Council Officers Duties and Responsibilities:
Officer Training from Supreme: Instructional_videos
New Officer Guides: Officers Handbooks
Chaplain: Serves as spiritual advisor to the brother Knights and families of that council r Provides his message to members at the beginning of the meeting as outlined in the Method of Conducting a Council Meeting (#1937) or whenever it best suits his schedule
Grand Knight: The Grand Knight is the highest ranking officer of his council, and is responsible for the welfare of the council. He presides over council meetings, acts as an ex-officio member of all Committees, appoints membership and program directors, convenes officers for a monthly meeting, and ensures all necessary reports are submitted to the state and Supreme Council. He should also be aware of the council’s financial status and ensure that his signature appears on all checks drawn. Additionally, the grand knight must ensure the membership, insurance and programming growth of his council and the involvement of all its members. Responsible for the council’s First Degree Team
Deputy Grand Knight: Assists the grand knight with operation of the council and any other duties assigned to him by the grand knight. In the absence of the grand knight, presides at council meetings. Recommended to serve as Retention Chairman on Form 365. He may also be the Program Director.
Chancellor. The Chancellor is the third highest ranking officer of the Council and is elected by the members of the Council. The Chancellor shall assist the Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight in the performance of their duties and shall take charge during the incapacity or extended absence of both. He shall exercise a special interest in new members and members who are sick or in distress. He is charged with strengthening the members’ interests in council activities. The chancellor is chairman of the admission committee. He has the duty of strengthening the members’ interest in council activities. Assists the grand knight and deputy grand knight with their duties as assigned.
Financial Secretary: Upon recommendation of the grand knight and the trustees, the financial secretary is appointed for a three-year term that is approved by the supreme knight. The prospective financial secretary must also complete and submit the Application for Appointment as Financial Secretary (#FS101). Under Section 130 of the Laws of the Order, the financial secretary is automatically bonded in the amount of $5,000. Additional bonding may be provided at a cost of $7 per thousand by contacting the supreme secretary’s office.
Collects money, in the form of dues, from members. Responsible for sending billing notices and initiating retention measures by providing a list of delinquent members to the grand knight to prevent members from being suspended for nonpayment of dues. Ensures that the council membership records are updated and that new members sign the constitutional roll. Receives from the Supreme Council Headquarters honorary and honorary life membership cards for distribution to qualified members. Files various reports and membership/insurance transactions with the Supreme Council Headquarters. Responsible for completing and submitting the proper 990 for the council (U.S. only)
Recorder: Responsible for keeping and maintaining a true and permanent record of all actions of the council and maintains all correspondence of the council.
Treasurer. Charged with handling council funds r Receives money from financial secretary and deposits it in the proper council accounts. Responsible for paying all council expenses, including assessments from the Supreme Council. Under Section 130 of the Laws of the Order, the treasurer is automatically bonded in the amount of $5,000. Additional bonding may be provided at a cost of $7 per thousand by contacting the supreme secretary’s office
Lecturer: Appointed by the grand knight r Responsible for providing suitable educational and entertaining programs under the “Good of the Order” section of council meetings.
Advocate: Acts as parliamentarian for the council. Should have a working knowledge of Robert’s Rules of Order and Methods of Conducting a Council Meeting (#1937). When needed, will seek legal assistance from the state advocate.
Warden: The Warden assures that all members at meetings possess the current membership card. He is custodian of all Council property except funds and is in charge of properly setting up the council Chamber for meetings and ceremonial work. He directs the activities of the Inside and Outside Guards.
Inside/Outside Guards: Attend the doors of the council chamber, checking for current membership cards and allowing entrance.
Board of Trustees: Consists of grand knight and three other elected members. Supervises all financial business of the council and conducts the semiannual audits. Trustees are elected for terms of three years, two years and one year. At each regular election, the position of each trustee will be voted upon, with the current three- and two-year trustees moving on to become the two- and one-year trustees, respectively.
Program Director: Appointed by the grand knight. Collaborates with the grand knight in setting the calendar of council programs for the year. Manages each service program director and chairman as they implement the council’s programs and activities. Keeps accurate records of council programs for reporting on the Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity and the Columbian Award Application. Keeps council’s public relations chairman informed of all programs and activities for promotion to local media. In many councils, the Deputy Grand Knight is the Program Director.
Membership Director: Appointed by the grand knight. Collaborates with the grand knight and Council Membership Committee on council membership goals for the year. Manages the Recruitment Committee, Retention Committee and Insurance Promotion Committee chairmen as they implement the council’s membership activities. Plans and coordinates the council’s schedule of recruitment programs.